
Thank you for purchasing your exclusive copy of the Hashimoto's Disease and Hypothyroidism Remedy Report.

In this report, you will learn exactly how to treat and manage the symptoms of your hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease using safe, natural and easy home remedies.

If you try these remedies and do not successfully achieve better health, we certainly will refund your purchase price promptly. Simply send an e-mail to [email protected] and let us know.

We want to hear from you!

If you try these remedies and DO achieve better health, we certainly want to hear about it! We would love to hear your success story! Please e-mail us at [email protected] and share your good news! Also, please let us know if we can share your story with others on our web site, www-thyroid.com.

The material in this report is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for a healthcare provider's consultation. Please consult your physician or appropriate healthcare provider about the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your own symptoms or medical conditions. The web site and author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this web site or this report.

Table of Contents

  1. The Remedies
    1. Bladderwrack Tea
    2. Make It Coconut!
    3. Protein Drink
    4. Contrast Hydrotherapy: Hot AND Cold-Pack It On
    5. Sweat It!
    6. The Thyroid Balancing Solution
    7. Vitamin and Herbal Supplementation
    8. Herbal Recommendations
    9. Bach Flower Remedies
    10. Homeopathic Remedies
    11. Reflexology, Acupressure, and Acupuncture
    12. Essential Oils
    13. Body Cleansing
    14. Natural Medicines
      1. Thyroid Assist
  2. Managing Your Symptoms Before They Show Up
    1. Food and Diet
      Foods to Eat
      Foods to Avoid (or consume in moderation)
    2. Health and Exercise Program

  3. Hashimoto's disease and Hypothyroidism
    1. What is Hashimoto's disease?
    2. Signs and Symptoms
    3. Who's at Risk?
    4. How Hashimoto's disease is Diagnosed
    5. Traditional Medicinal Treatments for Hashimoto's disease
      Thyroid Medications

  4. Your Health, Your Choice
  5. Resource Links


Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disorder and the leading cause of hypothyroidism. For those suffering from its effects, the pain, discomfort and complications can be a real challenge. With Hashimoto's disease, the body actually attacks its own tissue, causing the production of thyroid hormone to decrease. Because the thyroid gland is responsible for regulating the body's metabolism, a decrease in hormones can lead to a wide assortment of symptoms including fatigue, hair loss, muscle pain and weight gain.

Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism is not curable at this time, but it can be successfully treated and managed with a whole host of remedies. In this report, we provide you with a number of natural and simple remedies and suggestions to help you live a fuller, more productive life than you ever thought possible.

If you would like to learn more about Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism, be sure to read our education and information section. In this section, you will discover:

  • What is Hashimoto's disease?
  • What causes Hashimoto's disease?
  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Who's at Risk?
  • How Hashimoto's disease Is Diagnosed
  • Traditional Surgical and Medicinal Treatments for Hashimoto's disease
  1. The Remedies

Without further ado, here is exactly what you need to do to treat the symptoms of your Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism. Each of the remedies presented within this report have been shown to have valuable and life-changing effects for Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism sufferers. If one remedy does not work for you, please do not be discouraged - try another. Your health is that important!

  1. Bladderwrack Tea

  2. Did you say "Bladderwrack?" Indeed, this tasty tea with a most unusual name combines one of the most powerful herbs known to combat the symptoms of hypothyroidism, and with a little sweetness to make a very potent remedy for you. Bladderwrack's active constituents - iodine, alginic acid and fucoidan - work together to help treat some of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism.

    2-3 Tsp Bladderwrack (can also be found in capsule, liquid and dried states at many health food and herbal stores)
    Stevia (to use as a natural sweetener)
    Non-fluoridated, non-chlorinated water

    To make this helpful, healing tea:

    1. Bring water to a boil
    2. Add bladderwrack.
    3. Return to a boil.
    4. Remove from heat and cover.
    5. Let steep for 15 minutes.
    6. Strain and pour.
    7. Add stevia to taste.
    8. Drink 8 ounces every 4 hours and/or until symptoms subside.
  3. Make It Coconut!

  4. There's no need to go to a tropical island to find your next remedy - simply visit your nearest grocery store and pick up a coconut. That's right; coconuts (specifically coconut oil) have been shown to significantly help in aiding thyroid function.

    By boosting metabolism and assisting your body's ability to normalize thyroid function, studies are showing that coconut oil can dramatically improve numerous hypothyroid symptoms, including weight problems.

    So, how do you "make it coconut"? It's simple - coconut oil can replace any cooking oils that you traditionally use. Additionally, coconut oil can be taken by the spoonful as a daily supplement. Experts recommend using an organic, extra-virgin oil.

    Note: When cooking with oil, coconut oil is best. However, if coconut oil is not available, try cooking with sunflower, olive and/or sesame oils. Be sure to avoid canola, corn, soybean and rapeseed oils.

  5. Protein Drink

  6. Protein has been shown to significantly help in individuals with thyroid issues. This protein drink can help to lessen the frequency and severity of hypothyroid symptoms.

    2 eggs
    1 Tbsp. Lecithin
    1 cup whole milk
    1 Tsp. brewer's yeast
    1/4 cup plain, unsweetened yogurt or 1 Tbsp. acidophilus culture
    1/8 to 1/4 cup wheat germ

    Optional: fresh or frozen fruit juices and/or 1 Tbsp. molasses (for taste)


    1. In a blender, mix together all of your ingredients.
    2. Enjoy the health benefits of this protein-packed super drink.

    Remember, you can get as creative as you want with your ingredients. The most important thing to remember is your protein - as long as you have your protein accounted for, you may spruce up your drink in with whatever makes you happy (of course, be sure to check the Foods to Avoid section to make sure you don't add any no-no's to your power-packed protein drink!).

  7. Contrast Hydrotherapy: Hot AND Cold-Pack It On!

  8. Contrast hydrotherapy - where a patient alternates cold and hot compress applications - has been shown to help stimulate healthy thyroid function. Additionally, the compresses can help swelling or soreness associated with inflamed glands.


    1. In a medium-sized bowl, prepare a bath of ice water.
    2. In a separate bowl, prepare a bath of hot water.
    3. Dip a washcloth or small towel into the iced water, wring it out, and place on the affected area.
    4. Leave on area for one minute.
    5. Using either the same or separate towel, dip into the hot water, wring out excess water and place on the affected area.
    6. Leave on area for three minutes.
    7. Repeat three times in one sitting, and repeat the entire process 2 to 3 times per day (or as needed).

    Alternative: For the heat compress, you may add castor oil to the affected area for additional treatment.

  9. Sweat It!

  10. Believe it or not, sweating can be a highly effective way to rid your body of the harmful toxic build-up that leads to complications of hypothyroidism. To do your body a favor, be sure to make sweating a regular part of your weekly regimen.

    Easy ways to work up a sweat include:

    No matter how you do it, be sure to consult your physician before beginning any new diet or exercise program to assure you will attain the best possible results.

  11. The Thyroid Balancing Solution

  12. For a potent remedy to help balance your thyroid, there are a number of commercially available balancing mixtures. However, if you have a little time on your hands, you can mix up your own custom-made batch of balancing solution. A solution that aids normal thyroid function should have an abundance of minerals, including:



    1. Unless otherwise indicated by your physician or the herb itself, solutions should be made with 1 Tsp. of each herb per cup of hot water.
    2. Bring water to a gentle boil and add the herbs.
    3. Let steep for the recommended time: 5 to 10 minutes for leaf or flowers, 10 to 20 minutes for roots.
    4. Drink 3 to 4 cups per day until symptoms have abated.
  13. Vitamin and Herbal Supplementation

  14. Vitamins and Minerals
    It may seem cliché, but taking vitamins is important not only to your overall health, but also to the treatment of your very specific Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism symptoms.
    If you have an underactive thyroid, your body typically has difficulty breaking down the foods you ingest and making the most of their nutrients and, because of this, it's even more important to make sure you supplement appropriately. We have included a list of vitamins and supplements to consider; please review them and consult with your physician to determine which vitamin and supplement combination is right for you.

    Important vitamins and minerals to consider when treating and managing the symptoms of Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism include:

    In addition:

  15. Herbal Recommendations

  16. As we have already seen, herbs can greatly assist as you learn to treat and manage your Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism-associated symptoms. For your benefit, we have included a list of several of the most effective herbs for treating your symptoms. Before considering any herbal treatment plan, consult your physician to make sure the program you design works best for you and your special needs.

    All of the listed herbs can be used one or more of the following:

    When creating a tea, unless otherwise indicated, you should use 1 tsp. herb per cup of hot water. As a general rule of thumb, steep your covered teas for 5 to 10 minutes for leaf or flowers and 10 to 20 minutes for roots. The recommended dose is 2 to 4 cups per day.

    Recommended Herbs
    • Agnus Castus assists the proper functioning of the pituitary gland and the thyroid.
    • Avena sativa is helpful in boosting energy of fatigued individuals, and also helps those suffering with low libido.
    • Bayberry (Myrica Cerifera) helps stimulate and balance your body's hormone levels, and Black Cohosh acts to balance hormone levels.
    • Black Walnut is high in organic iodine and manganese that helps to support proper thyroid function, especially sluggish metabolism.
    • Bladderwrack is high in iodine and helps balance individuals with an underactive thyroid.
    • Coleus forskohlii helps stimulate the thyroid to naturally release more hormones.

  17. Bach Flower Remedies

  18. Long valued for its healing properties, Bach Flower essences can be used successfully to treat many of the symptoms of Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism.

    We have included three of the most popular essences used, but be sure to visit the Bach website to determine which essences could be of the most help in your particular circumstances.

    Wild rose
    To treat the fatigue and depression that often accompanies Hashimoto's disease, take 2 drops in water and sip in intervals throughout the day.

    Crab Apple
    For overall body cleansing, take 2 drops in water and sip in intervals throughout the day.

    To balance the body and reduce damage to the affected systems, take 2 drops in water and sip in regular intervals throughout the day. Be sure to take this a minimum of 4 times per day.

  19. Homeopathic Remedies

  20. Depending on your specific symptoms, there are numerous homeopathic remedies that can greatly help your situation. Consult with a trained homeopathic expert to quickly and effectively determine which remedies will have the greatest chance for success in your particular situation.

    We suggest investigating any of the following remedies as starting points for your homeopathic journey. Each has been shown to be effective in the treatment of hypothyroidism and its symptoms:
    • alcare phos.
    • Ammonium muriaticum
    • Arsenicum album
    • Badiaga
    • Baryta carbonica
    • Calcarea iodatum
    • Ferru iodatum
    • Fucus
    • Ignatia
    • Iodium
    • Lapis alb
    • Lycopus virginicus
    • Spigelia
    • Spongia tosta
    • Sulfuricum iodatum
    • Thyroidinum

  21. Reflexology, Acupressure and Acupuncture

  22. To help restore your immune system to its optimum functioning, reflexology, acupressure and acupuncture can be successfully used. The techniques of reflexology and acupressure/acupuncture employ the use of trigger point therapy to help balance the body's systems. For example, acupressure - a form of acupuncture in which fingers and thumbs, rather than needles, are used to press points on the surface of the body - not only relieves muscular tension (which increases blood flow, and therefore allows more oxygen and nutrients to be carried to tissue throughout the body), but also aids in healing by removing toxins from the body. In addition, many researchers now believe that, like acupuncture, acupressure triggers the release of endorphins, the neurochemicals that serve to reduce and relieve pain and inflammation and help restore bodily balance.

    As amazing as it sounds, there are several reflexes or pressure points that, when massaged correctly, can help alleviate a number of Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism symptoms almost instantly.

    A certified reflexologist, acupuncturist and/or acupressurist can help you locate these trigger points. Instructed by a trained professional, you can learn how to self-treat your symptoms as well as benefit from the relaxing effects of professional treatments.

  23. Essential Oils

  24. Essential oils, concentrated pure plant extracts obtained through distillation, have long been used to help balance the self and environment. Valued for their therapeutic and fragrant qualities, essential oils can help treat all types of disease. In the treatment of Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism, only one oil has been documented to have a particularly beneficial effect: myrtle.

    For best results, try using it as an inhalant in your bath or as a massage oil.

    Note: Because garlic and onion suppress thyroid function - not a desirable behavior for those suffering from hypothyroidism - it is not recommended that you use oils made from these elements. Of course, because of their less-than-pleasant odors, not many people would consider using these essential oils anyway, but it is good to note just the same.

  25. Body Cleansing

  26. As you seek to heal your body and give yourself the best life possible, consider body cleansing. Changing your diet is extremely important, but for many Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism sufferers, cleansing the vital organs of your body becomes necessary. To help your body perform at its highest potential, begin a cleansing program that includes a:

    Performing any one of these cleanses can assist your body in regaining maximum health. So get cleaning today

  1. Natural Medicines

    Western medicine has become the norm in many cultures, it is not the only treatment option. Conventional western medicine, often called allopathic medicine, is the system of medicine taught at most medical schools and most pharmaceutical and synthetic medicines are manufactured and marketed according to the principles of allopathic medicine. Allopathic medicine is also sometimes called orthodox medicine.

    Because most of us in the Western world have grown up in a society in which allopathic medicine is the prevailing norm, we forget that, only a few decades ago, homeopathic, herbal and other natural medicines were commonly available – and freely used even by conventional doctors. While there are often heated debates about which system of medicine is ‘better’ than the other, many responsible doctors (whether they are allopathic or not) recognize that both have a role to play in the treatment program. Natural medicine has often been frowned on by conventional doctors, especially by those who did not have sufficient knowledge of these medicines. However, it is encouraging to note that some medical schools are now beginning to re-introduce it into their course work, thereby providing doctors with a wider range of treatment options from which to choose. In many countries, especially in Europe, India and China, natural and homeopathic medicines are commonly prescribed by conventional doctors and represent a significant part of the total annual drug sales.

    Naturopathy is a branch of medicine (just as allopathy is a branch of medicine) which operates according to the underlying philosophy that the body has an innate capacity to heal itself. While natural medicines are often called ‘alternative’ or ‘complimentary’ medicines, they are, in fact, a unique and independent form of medicine in their own right, well able to treat a variety of conditions. Perhaps the term ‘holistic’ medicine is more apt, given the broad range of treatment options and approaches which are to be found within the practice of natural medicine, which encompasses many different disciplines, including herbalism, homeopathy, iridology, osteopathy, chiropractic, therapeutic massage techniques, aromatherapy, acupuncture and many, many more. Most naturopaths will use a variety of treatment modalities in order to treat their patients in a holistic way to support health, relieve symptoms and prevent future disease. In fact, even the World Health Organization defines health as being "... more than simply the absence of illness. It is the active state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being." This is a wonderfully clear description of holistic or natural medicine, which strives to support health (thereby relieving or preventing symptoms), rather than simply eliminating disease.

    Although allopathic medicine certainly has a role to play and has made a tremendous contribution to medical science during the past century, there is a growing perception that it is not the only answer and that, in many cases, holistic medicine can accomplish just as much, if not more – without the risk of side effects, addiction and sacrifice to health so commonly associated with pharmaceutical drugs. Contrary to common perception, and provided that they are manufactured in the correct way, natural medicines can work quickly and safely to promote healing. In many cases, they can succeed where pharmaceutical drugs have failed. Despite frequent reports that they are ‘unproven’ and ‘untested’, the opposite is true. Natural medicines have a long history of usage and there is a wealth of empirical evidence to support their effectiveness and safety. In addition, active clinical research is carried out by many academic hospitals and universities to support the extensive traditional and empirical evidence behind natural medicines.

    It is also important to know that, like any medicine, herbal and homeopathic medicines must be manufactured in the correct way, following acceptable procedures and manufacturing methods to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety. Due to the recent rise in popularity of natural remedies, many companies have sprung up to take advantage of the market. Unfortunately not all of them are equipped to manufacture to the correct standards, often resulting in a flood of inferior (and sometimes even unsafe) remedies onto the market – and giving natural remedies a bad name. Even some pharmaceutical companies have rushed to claim their market share by producing so-called ‘standardized’ extracts of herbs and offering these as superior to the tried and tested methods of naturopathic manufacturing. Nothing could be further from the truth. While ‘standardized’ extracts may offer benefit of easy consistency of dosage (and cheaper more efficient production lines), they have grave disadvantages. These include an increase in side effects as the medicines produced in this manner lose the natural protective properties of the herbs. In some cases, these side effects have proved fatal – as was seen in the liver toxicity associated with standardized extracts of kava kava, a herb previously safely used for generations without any known side effects.

    Most naturopaths recommend what is called the Full Spectrum Method of extraction – which retains the benefits of ALL the active ingredients within the herb as opposed to isolating only one – thereby providing a more complete treatment as well as superior protection against side effects.

    Whatever your choice, always choose wisely. Research what is best for you. If you have a chronic or life threatening condition, don’t make changes without first discussing them with your doctor in order that your condition may be monitored. Well informed and supportive practitioners will support patients who want to take responsibility for their own health.

    In the treatment of hypothyroidism, the following herbal and homeopathic remedy is often used as part of the treatment plan.

    Thyroid Assist

    Thyroid Assist is a 100% safe, non-addictive, natural thyroid remedy and contains herbs that have been carefully selected for their beneficial effect on thyroid functioning, as well as on overall systemic health.

    Regular use of Thyroid Assist can help to restore deficient iodine levels, while also stimulating the thyroid to produce crucial thyroid hormones, thereby treating hypothyroidism. When used consistently Thyroid Assist can safely support health and systemic balance in the endocrine system.

    In addition, Thyroid Assist works to:

    • Restore healthy thyroid functioning
    • Treat hypothyroidism caused by iodine deficiency
    • Ensure adequate production of thyroid hormones
    • Assist with depression, fatigue, constipation, weight gain and other symptoms associated with hypothyroidism

    Thyroid Assist contains the following therapeutic herbs in convenient and fast-acting drop format:

    • Fucus vesiculosis (also known as Bladderwrack or kelp) is sea vegetable is a prime source of iodine – an ingredient that can greatly aid thyroid support. It has been used medicinally for thousands of years, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Fucoidan is a type of dietary fiber found in bladderwrack that has been shown to inhibit HIV activity in test tube studies. (Moen LK, Clark GF.A novel reverse transcriptase inhibitor from Fucus vesiculosus’. Int Conf AIDS 1993;9(1):145, abstr.PO-A03–0061).

      Please note: When using kelp medicinally, always make sure that the kelp used is sourced by a reputable and trusted company. Kelp harvested from the beach or near to the coast may be contaminated with industrial waste, sewerage, lead, mercury or other toxins. Kelp used in Native Remedies Thyroid Assist has been harvested only from uncontaminated areas and screened for the presence of toxins and contamination.
    • Avena sativa (also known as Green Oats) is a general tonic traditionally used in folk medicine as well as in modern herbalism. Avina sativa is said to help alleviate common nervous irritability that can sometimes ruin your day. Derived from the wild oat plant, it is rumored to aid sexual function (we’ve all heard the sexual metaphor: ‘sowing your wild oats’!). Active ingredients are saponins, flavonoids, minerals, alkaloids, steroidal compounds, Vitamins B1, B2, D, E, carotene and wheat protein.
    • Coleus forskohlii (also known as Makandi) is a well respected and often rare Ayurvedic (Indian) remedy. Animal trials have shown that forskolin (a chemical found in coleus) may increase thyroid hormone secretion. (Roger PP, Servais P, Dumont JE. ‘Regulation of dog thyroid epithelial cell cycle by forskolin, an adenylate cyclase activator’. Exp Cell Res 1990;172:282–92.
  1. Managing Your Symptoms Before They Show Up

The best way treat Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism is to manage your health so you can prevent the symptoms and complications from arising in the first place. Changes to your diet, exercise regimen and overall lifestyle can greatly affect the severity and frequency of your symptoms. If you start taking control of your symptoms today, you can begin living symptom-free for years to come!
  1. Food and Diet

When it comes to Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism, diet becomes a list of what you can and can't eat. We've assembled a useful list of foods and products to consume as well as those to avoid. By following this list and consulting with your physician, you'll best be able to plan a diet program that makes most sense for your particular situation.

Foods to Eat
  • Cold water fish
  • Flax seeds
  • Foods high in fiber
  • Foods high in protein
  • Foods high in complex carbohydrates
  • Foods low in sugars and simple carbohydrates
  • Leafy greens
  • Non-fluoridated, non-chlorinated water
  • Non-starchy vegetables and fruits
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids
  • Oysters
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sea vegetables
  • Sesame seeds
  • Shrimp
  • Walnuts
  • Whole grains

Note: Whenever possible, be sure to choose organic fruits, vegetables and grains. In addition, consume an adequate amount of protein-rich foods daily and make sure you get a well-rounded supply of minerals, herbs and vitamins as outlined above.

Foods to Avoid (or consume in moderation)
Just as there are foods that you want to seek out, there are also a number of foods you'll want to avoid, or at least consume in moderation. You'll want to avoid or limit foods containing the following items:

Foods to Avoid/Consume Moderately

  • Alcohol
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cassava
  • Cauliflower
  • Caffeine
  • Dairy products
  • Kale
  • Lima beans
  • Linseed
  • Maize
  • Millet
  • Mustard greens
  • Pasta
  • Peanuts
  • Peaches
  • Pine nuts
  • Radishes
  • Rutabaga
  • Spinach
  • Starchy foods
  • Turnips
  • Rapeseed
  • Rice
  • Sodas
  • Soy (e.g. soy milk, tofu)
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Sugar
  • Turnips
  • Wheat
  • White bread

Additionally, avoid fluoride, especially toothpastes with fluoride, as well as drinking water. Also, any soy products should be consumed at least 4 hours after taking thyroid medication, as soy may block the body's absorption of the medication.

  1. Health and Exercise Program

As with many diseases, your overall health and exercise plan can make a huge difference in how the disease affects your body on day-to-day basis. Making even subtle changes in your overall health can positively affect how your body responds to your illness.

For Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism, you are in an interesting position. Overstressing your body can allow the disease to do even greater damage to your body, so it is important to work with your physician to design an exercise program that is custom-fitted to your current conditioning and symptoms.

Suggested exercise programs could include:

As a starting point, a 30-minute walk is recommended.

*Yoga is particularly beneficial to hypothyroid sufferers. In fact, there is one pose -the shoulder stand - that has been shown to have an especially positive affect on those with thyroid issues.

In the shoulder stand:

Remember to rest! Just as exercise is vitally important, it is also equally important that you always allow for ample rest to help your body continue its healing process.

  1. Hashimoto's disease and Hypothyroidism

  1. What is Hashimoto's disease?

Hashimoto's disease, or Hashimoto's thyroiditis, is the leading cause of hypothyroidism. In hypothyroidism, an autoimmune disease, the immune system literally attacks the thyroid gland, causing it to grow and to decrease its production of thyroid hormone. The thyroid secretes hormones that control your body's metabolism. Metabolism is vital in managing such things as your mood, weight and mental and physical energy levels. The decreased thyroid hormone produced can lead to all kinds of complications in overall health. In general, a decrease in thyroid hormones leads to an overall slowing of the body's normal functioning rate. This slowing, in turn, leads to all kinds of symptoms and as well as a tendency toward mental and physical sluggishness.

It's important to note that there are other possible causes of hypothyroidism than Hashimoto's disease. Additional possible causes include:

Before we continue, a few facts about Hashimoto's disease:

  1. Signs and Symptoms

Hypothyroidism has a number of tell-tale symptoms and signs. If you suffer from Hashimoto's disease or hypothyroidism, you are likely familiar with any number of these symptoms. The symptoms change and evolve depending on the stage and severity of the disease. The symptoms include:

Early stage symptoms:
  • Cold intolerance
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Paleness
  • Thin, weak fingernails
  • Thin, weak hair
  • Weakness
  • Weight gain

Late stage symptoms:
  • Decreased taste and smell
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Hoarseness
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Slow speech
  • Swollen face, feet and hands
  • Thickening of the skin
  • Thinning eyebrows

Additionally, the following symptoms may present at any time during the disease:
  • Absence of teeth (or delay in formation)
  • Ankle, feet and leg swelling
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry hair
  • Facial swelling
  • Hair loss
  • Joint stiffness
  • Lack of menstruation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Muscle cramps
  • Muscle pain
  • Overall swelling
  • Uncoordinated body movements

  1. Who's at Risk?

Whereas much is yet to be learned and the exact cause of Hashimoto's disease is still unknown, there are several indications of who is at risk for the disease:

Even today, research continues to better understand the causes of Hashimoto's and to determine what predisposes one individual to the disease over another.

  1. How Hashimoto's disease Is Diagnosed

Because the symptoms associated with Hashimoto's disease are so widely varying, the only way to know for sure if you have the disease is to visit your physician. By performing a simple blood test, your doctor will be able to determine if your thyroid hormone levels indicate hypothyroidism.

More specifically, an examination will look for any combination of the following indicators:

If you suspect that you have hypothyroidism and/or are experiencing any of the symptoms, consult your doctor immediately. Once you have determined if you have Hashimoto's disease, you will be able to work with your doctor to understand your options for management and treatment of the disease.

  1. Traditional Medicinal Treatments for Hashimoto's disease

Basic treatment of Hashimoto's disease seeks to manage the underactivity of your thyroid. Because hypothyroidism leads to a decreased production of thyroid hormones, medical treatment seeks to treat the disease primarily through the use of medication, or synthetic thyroid hormones. The hormone used and the dose selected by a doctor generally will include consideration of factors such as age and degree of illness.

Thyroid Medications
With thyroid medications such as Levothyroxine, the underactivity of the thyroid is controlled by attempting to create as normal a level of thyroid hormones in the body as possible. Because everybody is different, it is important to work closely with your doctor when selecting a hormone replacement treatment. Subtle changes in dosage can make a world of difference as to whether you feel great or worse than before you began. Be sure to be honest and ask questions of your physician. Treating your hypothyroidism can take time, but once you've dialed in the proper dosage, brand and treatment cycle, you can expect relatively good results.

Many people respond well to this kind of hormone replacement treatment. However, if not monitored closely, the replacement treatments can actually lead to too much thyroid hormone in your body (hyperthyroidism). The results of this can lead to such conditions as anxiety and restlessness to insomnia and weight loss.

Note: Some health food stores market natural types of thyroid hormone. It is important to note that these natural hormones are not regulated. Be sure to consult your physician before taking any new supplementation, as some might not work and others could be harmful to your health.

Complications of Hashimoto's disease
When Hashimoto's disease is left untreated or a patient does not respond well to the administered treatments, there are a number of serious complications that can result. These complications include:

In rare cases, the most severe complication of hypothyroidism is myxedema coma, in which an individual may become unresponsive, have decreased breathing, low blood pressure, low blood sugar and/or below-normal temperature; this condition can lead to serious illness or death if left untreated. Myxedema coma can be caused by infection or other illness, exposure to cold, and certain medications that can adversely affect people with untreated hypothyroidism.

  1. Your Health, Your Choice

When you began reading this report, you did so because you wanted to learn more about Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism and the ways you could take control of your health by treating your condition with natural, home remedy alternatives to traditional medicinal or surgical approaches. You wanted to learn what steps were necessary for you to regain control of your body, your well being and your life.

Throughout the pages of this report, you have learned these very things - how and why proper thyroid hormones levels are important to the functioning of your body - but also, more importantly, what you can do to manage your symptoms in simple and effective ways.

With a diet and exercise program, combined with our 12 innovative ways to naturally manage your hypothyroidism, we have given you the tools to educate and empower yourself, put your destiny within reach and regain command of your health.

You've taken the time to learn about your health and the positive steps required to make a better life for yourself. It's time to put your learning into action and take back your health.

We wish you the best of luck on your journey, and we thank you for choosing us to be a part of your most important process toward better health.

  1. Resource Links

In this section, we have gathered a collection of quality web resources to help you learn more about Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism. These excellent sites will help you take control of your hormone levels and assist you in your goal of creating a healthy, happy life.
  1. eMedicine: Hashimoto's disease: This comprehensive site offers an educational overview of Hashimoto's disease. An excellent place to learn more about this disease.

  2. Hashimoto's Disease: Presented by the Mayo Clinic, this site offers information and resources for those suffering from hypothyroidism as well as those simply wanting to learn more about this disease.

  3. National Institutes of Health: Chronic Thyroiditis: This detailed site offers information covering all aspects of the disease.

  4. American Association of Thyroid Patients: This wonderful site provides a clearinghouse of information on thyroid resources for individuals suffering from all types of thyroid issues.

  5. The Thyroid Association of America: This educational and informational site provides you with answers to all of your questions.

  6. Thyroid Federation International: This global organization provides the latest information to researchers and patients alike on the state of thyroid research.

  7. Cardio Workouts: iVillage presents an assortment of workouts to help you lose weight, increase cardiovascular health, and just feel great. Choose the plan that works best for you!

  8. American Council on Exercise (ACE): This great organization has put together a wealth of resources to help you plan an exercise program that is perfect for your individual needs.